How To Build An Excellent Credit Score

teen creditIf you are a teenager with your first credit card it is important to get on the right track to establishing a great credit score. In the future it will be important to have a good credit history when you are ready to make large purchases such as a house or a car.  Follow Money MindEd’s easy tips and tricks to start building your credit score.

On Time Payments: The key to a good credit score is paying your bills on time. If possible try to pay your credit card bill early each month. To ensure that you do not make late payments set reminders on your phone, computer, or calendar. Read more…

Advantages and Disadvantages of Having A Credit Card

Credit Card / Gold & PlatinumConsidering if investing in a credit card is a smart decision for you? Money MindEd is here to help you determine if now is the right time to invest. Here is our list of advantages and disadvantages to owning a credit card.


Building Credit: The greatest advantage that comes along with proper credit card use is building a good credit history. Credit is based on how long you have had credit and how reliable you are with making monthly payments. Starting to build credit early as a teenager or college student can help you in the future when you need a loan. Read more…