Easy Ways To Make Money Over Spring Break

money makersIf your spring break doesn’t consist of a tropical vacation then this break from school is a great time to earn some extra money. Don’t sit around watching TV all day, instead take advantage of Money MindEd’s favorite easy money makers and earn some extra cash!

Babysit: This is a great opportunity to not only make some extra money but also take on a great deal of responsibility. If you do a good job your services will most likely be repeated again. Have your parents spread the word that you will be available to babysit over spring break or try posting flyers around town. With elementary schools on spring break as well chances are parents will be eager for a babysitter.

House/Pet Sit: While friends and neighbors are enjoying their spring break vacations they will need someone to house/pet sit. This may consist of tasks such as watering plants and feeding pets. If you hear of any friends or neighbors leaving for vacation let them know you will be available to check on their house and take care of their pets while they are gone.

Spring Cleaning: Use your time away from school to do some spring cleaning. Clean out your room of old clothes, toys, and electronics. After, hold a garage sale or sell your items on Ebay. You will be surprised by how much people are willing to pay for goods that you no longer use.

Help Your Parents: While you have a relaxing break from school your parents are still busy working. They may need some help around the house for things that they haven’t had time to get around to. Ask your parents if they have any odd jobs you can do for money, such as washing the car, cleaning, or making small repairs around the house. Your neighbors may also be in need of these services so don’t hesitate to ask them as well.