Interview Preparation: Common Questions & Common Mistakes

interviewPreparation is a critical factor to having a great interview and landing a job. Thinking about common questions and common mistakes beforehand will help you to be better prepared. Here are some tips from Money MindEd to help you be ready for your next interview!

Common Questions:

Tell me about yourself? Read more…

First Impressions Are Everything

interview first impression

In a survey of 2,000 bosses, 33% claimed that they know within the first 90 seconds of an interview if they will hire the candidate or not. Statistics also show that 55% of an impact made when meeting a new person is based on how they dress and how they act.  A great first impression is therefore crucial for landing a job, follow Money MindEd’s tips to ensure that you make an awesome first impression at your next interview.

Be On Time: Being on time for an interview is truly the first impression a boss or hiring manager has of you. Ideally you should arrive at least 10 minutes early, allowing you time to relax and collect your thoughts. Read more…